Finding and paying for legal advice is a frustrating experience for many, and where problems are minor, it can be a major barrier to getting problems solved. We have built a new programme with our partner Connect Assist, where an enquirer can call one telephone number and receive a free one-hour telephone consultation on any legal matter. The service is completely confidential. The helpline is open 5 days a week from 9am until 5pm and is reached by calling our usual number of 0203 192 0486.
Many people have queries over land boundaries, wills or house sale and purchase that could be solved quickly and easily without engaging a partner in a law firm at over £200 an hour. Solving legal problems can reduce stress and anxiety and help improve efficiency at work.
Depending on the nature of the problem and any further help that may be necessary, we may be able to assist with the costs of further legal advice.
Are you working in, or have you worked in, the home improvement or home enhancement sector? That includes DIY, builders’ merchants, hardware, housewares and other allied trades. Please note that ‘home improvement‘ is classified as work that is related to the domestic residential housing market, not commercial such as offices or hotels, or road building or bridges. Do you have less than £10,000 in savings and are on a low income? Call us on 0203 192 0486 and ask for Legal Express. If you have any queries, you can e-mail us on
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