Make the Rainy Day Trust part of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) package. Working together we can make a difference to the lives of those we touch; apprentices, trainees, those of working age and those who have retired.  CSR isn’t just about re-cycling your ink cartridges (although we do that too!), it’s about showing a commitment to the people that work for you.

For just £1,200 a year you can become a Partner of the Rainy Day Trust and benefit from PR and media support, literature branding, a link on our website and regular updates on forthcoming events.  Moreover, we can work with you to extend our programmes to your staff, reducing staff turnover and improving your bottom line.  A gold-plated CSR package is within your reach.  Your donations to the charity can be offset against your corporation tax bill making it even more efficient.  By becoming a partner, you can demonstrate to your staff that you care about them and their lives, and your shareholders will see that you take your CSR responsibilities seriously.  

Our Gold Members

Our Gold Members

These amazing companies have supported us to the value of £5000 or more
Our Silver Members

Our Silver Members

These fabulous companies have supported us to the value of £2500 or more
Our Bronze Members

Our Bronze Members

These great companies have supported us to the value of £1250 or more

Additional Supporters

Reasons to become a supporter

Become a supporter

Give back to your Community

Provide support and help to the industry as a whole, our supporters and partners really make a difference.  


Fundraise for your chosen sector

We always try to put the fun into fundraising, join in and raise money for the cause.

Help people build

Help improve the skills in your community

Help to increase skills within the community and make people more attractive to employers.

Support Us

Become a supporter

Become a supporter of Rainy Day Trust and make a difference. Individual memberships and business partnerships available.

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Know someone who needs help?

Do you know someone who might benefit from our help? Find information on how you can put them in touch with Rainy Day Trust.

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